Wednesday 13 September 2023

The day started with a beautiful rainbow. A sign it would be a beautiful day!


Our first Wonder Wednesday! (Outdoor Learning)

We will be learning outside on Wednesdays (more information to come). For now, we are getting use to learning outside and the norms and routines that go with it. Ask your child what they need to do when I call "gather!"

Mrs. Slessor's class (next door) had a butterfly come out!
Ours are still sleeping - more excitement to come...

But in the meanwhile, we helped to release their butterfly.

Its  girl - and she is ready to fly!

Safe travels to Mexico!

We have also been examining the milkweed plant - which is the only plant monarch butterflies will lay their eggs on. 

We opened up a seed pod today and we learned how the milkweed spreads its seeds.

We are loving examining all things monarch and milkweed at our science center!

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