Monday 18 September 2023

 Mindful Monday

Today we learned how to settle our bodies with some butterfly stretching. You could try it at home!

We have also been working on a Butterfly dance that I keep forgetting to post. The kiddos are getting really great at it!

We had our last butterfly come out of its chrysalis yesterday (Sunday). We took one more good look at Roy before he left for his big trip to Mexico.

Some thoughtful questions were asked as we observed Roy;

"Is he scared?"

"I wonder if he wants to fly around the classroom?"

"I wonder if he will sleep in there before his big trip?"

"When birds eat monarchs - do they spit them out because they are poisonous?"

"Why do the boys have dots and the girls do not?"

Can you see the dots that differentiate a male from a female monarch?

We read the book The Mystery of the Monarchs.

In this book we learned a little bit more about how the tagging of monarchs works to track their travels. 

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