Friday 15 September 2023

 Another exciting day!

We started off by saying farewell and safe travels to Sparkles and Gemstone.

We took a good look at their beautiful wings.

We whispered our wishes to them. You would be so proud of what your beautiful children whispered to them unprompted;

"I love you Sparkles and Gemstone."

"I will miss you."

"Have a safe trip."

... and more

Ready to fly!

Can you see Gemstone in the tree?

Can you see Sparkles in the tree?

After lunch, another new butterfly!
Meet Princess Peach!

I will let Princess Peach go tomorrow morning. It is not fair to keep her in an enclosure all weekend. She needs to get going to Mexico while the weather is beautiful.

Also this week...

Cooperative puzzling

Monarch caterpillar beading

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