Friday 8 September 2023

 We made it to Friday!!! It has been a pleasure getting to know your beautiful children so far.

Request: Do you have spare plastic bags at home? We could use a stock of them at school to send home clothes that may be wet for a variety of reasons. With thanks in advance...

We are continuing to learn how to learn and play together.

Playing cars together.

Doing puzzles together.

We learned to play the game tic-tac-toe (or Xs and Os) together.

We are still figuring out strategy with this game. Perhaps you want to try playing at home?

Our new families will get to know that Fun Friday means we read an Elephant and Piggy book. I LOVE Elephant and Piggy. Today we read Can I Play Too?

Can you tell your family at home what happened when the snake wanted to play catch with Piggy and Gerald?

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