Tuesday 5 December 2023

The learning about kindness continues! 

Yesterday we read Finding Kindness.

Kindness can be hidden in the smallest of actions.

Where can you find kindness?

Action for Happiness has given us a beautiful calendar of kind actions we can add into our daily lives. Can you help to spread kindness at home?

Our sound of the week is /L/

We are working on self-help winter dressing. For Tuneful Tuesday I taught the class this song to help us all remember the order of getting dressed. Perhaps you can practice at home!

Today we read "The ABC's of Kindness"

After reading this book, one of our classmates exclaimed:

"Kindness is like magic!"

Yes it is! So we talked about the 'pay it forward effect'

One person's kindness can turn into a whole bunch of kindness spread far and wide! Magic!

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