Wednesday 6 December 2023

 We started the day with some role play in preparation for the next couple of weeks where we will be putting our learning about kindness into action! We learned about how to diffuse negative feelings like anger and frustration with kindness. As visual reminders, we had our "Peace Wands".

The red wand reminds the holder to speak from the heart - tell the truth - not only tell your side of the story, but also about how you are feeling.

The yellow wand reminds the holder to be a star listener and really listen attentively to the person speaking from the heart.

Then we exchange wands and switch roles speaking and listening.

When we listen and speak with kindness we can solve problems in everyone's favour!

To further our discussion yesterday about the magic of kindness and paying it forward, we read A World of Kindness.

Small acts of kindness all add up into a world of kindness!

In math we have been learning about different aspects of measurement.

Together, we measured these different sizes of paper.

First we measured the smaller paper - 6 paper clips long.

With this knowledge, we estimated how long we thought the larger paper was.

Estimates - 16, 10, 5, 12

Then we measured to test our estimates. The larger paper is 9 paper clips long

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