Wednesday 22 March 2023

Some outdoor learning before the rain comes! We had two objectives; to search with our ears (and eyes) for birds and to try to figure out where all of the water is going? We know the snow is melting into water - but where is all the water?

On our first stop, we noticed the water from the melting giant pile of snow was finding its way to the puddles and drain on the pavement. Can you see the path the water is taking?

We also followed this "river" of water through the grass.

We all agreed that the water was headed down the hill.
We saw and heard many birds.

We followed the footsteps of someone.
Who do you think it was?
Where were they going?

We read the Great Pancake Escape. What happens when you mix up a cook book with a book of magic spells? A pancake escape!

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