Friday 24 March 2023

 Fun Feast Friday!

Today we made bread together. Below are the steps we took (abridged version) and if you want to try this at home you can find the recipe at: Bread in a Bag 

We took turns putting the flour, yeast, sugar and warm water in a ziplock bag.

We each took a turn mixing the dough.

"It is warm!"

"It is squishy!"

We waited while the yeast was doing it's job. We looked at the bubbles forming.

We added more flour and more ziplock kneading...

Once the dough came out of the ziplock - only Mrs. Nye could knead the bread with her hands washed very carefully!

The dough rose during recess and it went in the oven.

Ta da!!!
We tasted our hard work.

Fun Friday reading - Elephant and Piggie.

Piggie REALLY likes slop, but does Gerald?

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