Friday 31 March 2023

 Fun Friday with Elephant and Piggy!

Gerald broke his trunk- can you remember the story of how he broke it?

Another Friday routine is watering our baby plants.

They are growing!

"My plant needs water 'cause it needs to grow. It goes in the window because we need to make sure it has sunshine."

"It needs water and some sun. It needs looking after."

"It needs water and soil. We need it in the window so it gets sunlight."

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Today we read Happy Belly Happy Smile.

Louie looks forward to going to his grandfather's restaurant each week. They eat special family dishes together.

What special family dish will you share with us for our class recipe book?

Outdoor learning! 

What shapes can we find outside? Are the things we find made by people or by nature?

"I found diamonds in the fence. The fence was made by people"

"I found this square of ice! It was made by nature"

"I found triangles! "
"This tree trunk was is a cylinder and it was made by nature."

Tuesday 28 March 2023

 Today we read Yasmin the Chef.

Yasmin's family has special food they make for family traditions.

We talked about our different family special foods.

In connection to the above conversation, we talked about making a class recipe book! Please see the email that I sent home today. Here is an example of what each child's page will look like:

Monday 27 March 2023

Mindful Monday - We continue with our monster meditations. Sometimes we are feeling frustrated - in the yellow zone. Taking a birthday cake breath (cupcake breath) can help us to steer clear of the red zone. Take a breath - and try again.

Our letter of the week is "Ii"

Can you find things that start with Ii around your house?

Continuing our look at food as an identity builder- we read Hot, Hot Roti for Dada-ji. 

Eating Roti makes Dada-ji feel POWERFUL!

We talked about the foods we eat and how they make us feel.

"I like to eat ice cream because it makes me feel cold."

"I like to eat cherries because it makes me feel sweet."

"I like to eat grapes because it makes me happy."

Friday 24 March 2023

 Fun Feast Friday!

Today we made bread together. Below are the steps we took (abridged version) and if you want to try this at home you can find the recipe at: Bread in a Bag 

We took turns putting the flour, yeast, sugar and warm water in a ziplock bag.

We each took a turn mixing the dough.

"It is warm!"

"It is squishy!"

We waited while the yeast was doing it's job. We looked at the bubbles forming.

We added more flour and more ziplock kneading...

Once the dough came out of the ziplock - only Mrs. Nye could knead the bread with her hands washed very carefully!

The dough rose during recess and it went in the oven.

Ta da!!!
We tasted our hard work.

Fun Friday reading - Elephant and Piggie.

Piggie REALLY likes slop, but does Gerald?

Thursday 23 March 2023

For "Oo" week we have started watching a mother Barred Owl. She is sitting on two eggs. We will continue to observe her as she keeps her eggs warm. We are looking forward to seeing the owlets! It will be in about a month. You can watch at home too

We asked many questions. Here are a few:

"How do the babies get food when they are in the eggshell?

"Why does she need to stay on the eggs? Why can't they get cold?"

"Why do they turn their head around?"

We read this book to try and find some of the answers to our questions.

Bread Painting! Because we are continuing with all things food, we have been taking turns painting on bread. We have enjoyed it very much and if you want to do it at home - here's how we do it!

Step One - Put three tablespoons of water in a cup.

Step Two - Add three drops of food colouring.

Step Three - mix well.

Step Four - Start Painting!


Wednesday 22 March 2023

Some outdoor learning before the rain comes! We had two objectives; to search with our ears (and eyes) for birds and to try to figure out where all of the water is going? We know the snow is melting into water - but where is all the water?

On our first stop, we noticed the water from the melting giant pile of snow was finding its way to the puddles and drain on the pavement. Can you see the path the water is taking?

We also followed this "river" of water through the grass.

We all agreed that the water was headed down the hill.
We saw and heard many birds.

We followed the footsteps of someone.
Who do you think it was?
Where were they going?

We read the Great Pancake Escape. What happens when you mix up a cook book with a book of magic spells? A pancake escape!

Tuesday 21 March 2023

 Today we read Pancakes Pancakes!

What are all of the ingredients Jack needs to make his great big pancake?

Our drama centre this week:

The Kindergarten House of Pancakes!

Monday 20 March 2023

Welcome back!

Mindful Monday

"When you have so much to do.

Breathe in, breathe out

Count 1,2

Then do!"

We read Awasis and the World Famous Bannock

Awasis loses her Kohkum's bannock! But she meets many friends along the way to help her make more

Friday 10 March 2023

 Thank you to Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Stutt for organizing a wonderful "It's our Lucky Day" to get us started for the March Break!

We finished planting our baby plants. Here they are with the proud parent plant looking on in the background. 

We will keep the plants here and learn to take care of them, watch them grow and later in the spring the plants will go home.

I wish everyone a safe and healthy March Break!

Thursday 9 March 2023

 For Thankful Thursday we talked about the different foods we are thankful for.

We read the story "Matzah Ball Soup"

Can you remember why Rosie's family put exactly four matzah balls in each bowl of soup?

Wednesday 8 March 2023

 What a busy, fun day today!

For outdoor learning, we did some math- sorting and graphing.

After examining our mittens, we decided that we could sort them by with fingers (gloves) and without fingers (mitts) and we put them in piles.

After some discussion about which pile had more, we counted each pile. Then we realized that if we lined them up we could see which one had more without even counting! Without naming it- we created a graph.

There was also some outdoor soup making.

On our way back inside we noticed that the wall was very warm - even though it was quite cold out.


"I think the sun is warming it up."

Black eyed peas!

The leaves have opened up quite nicely and so it was the right time to try a taste!

We had a good look at the sprouts before we ate. We noted the roots, the original pea and the new leaves.

We did some (volunteer only) mindful tasting:

"They are crunchy."

"They are kinda sweet."

"They are yucky."

"It was really yummy."

K is for kite.
We made some lovely paper kites.

We read Stone Soup. It is amazing what can happen when we work together with kind hearts.