Friday 30 September 2022

 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - Orange Shirt Day

We read the book Shi Shi Etko

Knowing she will go to residential school soon, Shi Shi Etko takes the time to appreciate and love the land that is her home.

Maybe you could take a walk in the beautiful sunshine this weekend and appreciate the trees, animals and leaves of home.

The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation has some wonderful resources you can use to continue the conversation at home.

As we wrap up September we prepared our package of monarch butterflies to send to a partner school in Mexico. This is part of the Symbolic Migration Project

We each created a life sized butterfly to send to kids in Mexico. They will send some back in the spring when the butterflies are on their way back to Canada!

We each made a fingerprint monarch to send to Mexico. I will put them in the mail this weekend.

Hola desde Canada!

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