Friday 31 May 2024

 Fun Friday #4!

Making Magic Potions!

Climbing practice

Thank you to Stephanie for bringing equipment and expertise to give us some soccer fun!

I LOVE when the learning we do at school continues at home.

Look at this beautiful suncatcher brought from home - it was perfect discussion starter to wrap up dragonfly week.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Today we read Dragonfly Kites.


We are making dragonflies out of maple keys (aka helicopters)

We are talking about if we would choose to live underwater and swim like a dragonfly nymph or fly like an adult dragonfly.

Do you see the labelled egg? Love it.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

 This week we are learning about dragonflies! My favourite insect!!!

Yesterday we read Soar High Dragonfly! We learned that  dragonflies start off as aquatic animals living under water and then they come onto land to fly in the air!

Today we read What's it like to be a Dragonfly?

We learned that dragonflies have four transparent and independent wings. Transparent and independent are two big words - but we learned them anyways!

For Tuneful Tuesday, I brought in a trumpet and a djembe. We had lots of fun learning about how vibration makes sound and there are different ways of creating vibration for instruments.

We each tried playing the djembe.

We can't share the trumpet - but some of us tried holding it.

Then we did a survey to see which instrument we would choose to play.

Friday 24 May 2024

 Our third Fun Friday in the park! What a beautiful day! There was sun but it was not too hot. Perfect.

Great helpers!
I have vivid memories of swinging like this when I was young - stomach down. Run, run, run.... lift up the feet and fly!

Climbing wall!

Thursday 23 May 2024

 Today we read the Grouchy Ladybug.

The ladybug seemed grouchy - but he was secretly scared! Ask your child what ladybugs do when they are scared?


We are working on science colouring (as opposed to creative colouring).
Ladybug addition!

Ladybug symmetry!

Wednesday 22 May 2024

 Today in our morning message we learned about the "Bossy E".

We were sounding out the word "hope" but it wasn't making sense in the sentence. So then we learned about the bossy E. The E on the end of the word hope bosses the O around and tells it that it must say its own name.

We read Dot the Ladybug.

We also learned that ladybugs eat aphids. Ask your child why this is so great!

Tuesday 21 May 2024

 This week we will be learning about Ladybugs! We read Super Ladybug to the Rescue!

Super Ladybug rescues all kinds of animals that are much much bigger than him!

If you were Super Ladybug, who would you rescue?

"I would rescue a giraffe."

We learned that what we thought were the ladybug's wings are actually called the Elytra. They are a hard shell that protect their flight wings.

Friday 17 May 2024

 Another wonderful Fun Friday in the park!

Toasting marshmallows over the fire

Fun on the saucer swing!

Flower shop is open for business!

Behind the scenes at the Flower Shop

Good helpers

Wednesday 15 May 2024

 Today we read The Very Quiet Cricket.

Ask your child how we know that this is a cricket on the cover and not a grasshopper.(Apart from the title...)

We are using markers and bingo dabbers to create grasshopper art.

This grasshopper is eating ice cream while walking through a rainbow with high heels on. Love it!

This grasshopper put their hat on backwards so they can skateboard while eating ice cream. Love it!

Tuesday 14 May 2024

 This week we are learning about Crickets and Grasshoppers.

Yesterday, we read Bring Me A Rock!

The Grasshopper King wants his throne made of rocks - lots of rocks!

"My throne would be made out of candy canes."

"My throne would be made out of people."

Today we read Are you a Grasshopper?

We learned many interesting facts about grasshoppers in this book.

We also learned a lot from this video!

Friday 10 May 2024

 Our first Fun Friday in the park was so fun!!!

Some of us were archeologists - digging for bones. This one is a tyrannosaurus tooth!

The ever popular slides!

Some of us learned how to "pump" our legs to keep ourselves swinging.

We did some inside learning too. We wrapped up bees and wasps week by observing the differences between honey bees and bumble bees.

It is amazing what the kiddos noticed. Look at this picture with your child and ask about the differences.

Thursday 9 May 2024

 We tried to find the answers to some of our wasp questions by watching this video.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

 Today we got an up close look at a wasp nest - a really big wasp nest!

Here is what we noticed about the nest and we still have many questions.

So much more to learn! Stay tuned...

Tuesday 7 May 2024

 Today we got a good look into a bee hive. (You can look at it too - click here)

We asked some great questions;

"Why are they crawling all over each other?"

"Do the bees hatch eggs?"

"Do the bees all live in one house?"

"How can you tell its the queen?"

"How many bees live in there?"

We looked for some of the answers to our questions in this book:

We learned about how they communicate through dancing, we learned about the queen, and we learned how they make honey.