Friday 26 April 2024

 Happy Friday!

Today we potted another pineapple plant.

We talked about how it knows how to drink water with its new roots now. So it; has sun (from the window), it can get water with its roots and now there is one thing left we need to give it.

"It needs soil!"

Here is the pineapple in its new soil home.

Parents: I have two pineapples in pots now and I certainly do not need more plants in my home. If you are interested in continuing to grow the plant at your house (they can get very large!!! - see March 20th post) please send me a note and I'll make a draw for the lucky recipients of our class pineapples. They love to be outside in the summer, but must come in for the winter.

The Barred Owl Owlets are growing so fast!

The voting to name the Owlets is complete!
And the winner is...

Midnight, Star and Moon!

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