Tuesday 30 April 2024

 We read "Anywhere Farm"

 You can make a farm practically anywhere! All you need is soil, water, sunshine and a seed.

Where would you plant your Anywhere Farm?

"In a bench."
"In my basketball." (Can you see the flower growing from the ball?)

We are also learning a new song about planting seeds.

Monday 29 April 2024

 This week is "ee" week.

To end off our Earth Month learning and in honour of "ee" week we are planting seeds!

Thanks to the Plant a Seed and See What Grows Foundation, we have seeds to plant and workbooks to make our observations in.

I hope to see everyone at the school this Wednesday evening (May 1st) for Primary Literacy Night! It is from 5:30 - 6:30 and there will be lots of activities and ideas for ways you can support your child's literacy at home!

Friday 26 April 2024

 Happy Friday!

Today we potted another pineapple plant.

We talked about how it knows how to drink water with its new roots now. So it; has sun (from the window), it can get water with its roots and now there is one thing left we need to give it.

"It needs soil!"

Here is the pineapple in its new soil home.

Parents: I have two pineapples in pots now and I certainly do not need more plants in my home. If you are interested in continuing to grow the plant at your house (they can get very large!!! - see March 20th post) please send me a note and I'll make a draw for the lucky recipients of our class pineapples. They love to be outside in the summer, but must come in for the winter.

The Barred Owl Owlets are growing so fast!

The voting to name the Owlets is complete!
And the winner is...

Midnight, Star and Moon!

Thursday 25 April 2024


We have been reading more Earth Day books.

We are learning that little actions can make a big difference!

We are making trees out of newspaper!

We are creating machines that help the earth.

"My machine plants trees!"

Tuesday 23 April 2024

 Today we read Earth Day Every Day.

Miss Big Mouth uses her voice to encourage others to save the earth through simple things like;

- composting

- planting trees

- trading toys we don't use anymore with others

In Math we are working on adding and subtracting.

You can try little activities like this one at home.

If we had $10 - what could we buy?

I have six grapes. If I eat two, how many will I have left?

Monday 22 April 2024

 Happy Earth Day! We continue to learn about how we can do our part to help the Earth.

We read the book My Friend Earth.

All week we will be writing about ways we can care for the earth.

"I can plant a tree"
"I can ride my bike."

This week we are learning "oo" words.

Just like the vowels - OO can make two different sounds. Think 'soon' and 'hook'.

Friday 19 April 2024

Today we checked in on our Pineapple plants.
This one has grown roots! So exciting!

"I counted seven roots!"

"The roots is how it drinks water."

"Its ready to put into the soil." - yes we will pot it next week.

This one is not doing as well.

"There are no roots."

"There is lots of brown leaves."

We looked at the potted pineapple. It's still looking good!

I forgot! Earlier in the week, I told the class I would post our new song that we are learning. It's about a whale.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

 Today we read "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Oscar!"

We learned that Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is not only a well known saying - but also the order we should do things.

First - Reduce

Then - Reuse

Finally - Recycle

Also, checking in on the owls today - we discovered a contest!

Help name the owlets! We couldn't decide! Our votes were pretty even for all of the choices. So I said I would post the contest and you can vote from home if you wish.

Help Name the Owlets Contest

Monday 15 April 2024

 Earth Month!

For the next few weeks we will be reading stories and learning about our role in helping the earth. Today we read The Adventures of Gary and Harry.

Harry thinks he is eating a jellyfish but he actually eats a plastic bag! How did a plastic bag get in the ocean?

We talked about how plastics are a big problem in the ocean and how we can help with that problem.

In honour of Gary and Harry, we are making turtles.
We are using recycled materials as we are learning about the things we can do to help the earth.

Friday 12 April 2024

 Fun Friday! 

Lots of good reading with our morning message.

How do you know that is the word raining?

"it starts with an 'rrrr' and ends with an "ing"

"Oh ya - and there is a "nnnn" inside."

After morning message, we had our Fun Friday choice centers.

Creating and colouring!
Marble Run!
Little Lego!

We decided we needed a name for the Bald Eagle we are observing.

"Sharper" it is!

Thursday 11 April 2024


Today we read like Stand Like A Cedar. We learned how we are connected to everything around us. The plants, the animals, the land - everything!

With all of our observations and learning about owls. We had a little owl challenge! Can you show the Owl how to get to its home?

We are offline coding!

This is an example of early coding skills. Mapping and coding are closely connecting. 

Wednesday 10 April 2024

 Great News! One of our pineapple tops is pushing out roots! Yay!

Still learning from Nicola I. Campbell, today we read "Grandpa's Girls".

We learned about what it is like at Grandpa's house. We talked about how everyone's house is unique - some things are the same and some things are different and that is great!

We have a new nest to watch. The Bald Eagle! If you look you can see two babies in the nest!

If you want to watch from home:


Monday 8 April 2024

 A short day today - but I wanted to post as I am out of the classroom in training again tomorrow.

Our Author of the week this week is Nicola I Campbell.

Today we read A Day with Yayah.

Yayah teaches the children about the plants in springtime.

Happy Eclipse Day!

Thursday 4 April 2024

 I have been out of the classroom learning again. Thank you to Mrs. Cooper for covering.

I came back for an exciting day! The Owlets are either in the process of hatching or have hatched!!!

White Striper has three owlets! In this picture you can only see one of their heads, but they are all there!
Athena's owlet is 'pipping'. Very soon there will be an owlet! Can you see the hole the owlet has made in the egg?

Remember, you can watch the birds at home too at:

Our author spotlight this week is on Nhung N. Tran-Davies

We read The Doll and Ten Cents a Pound.