Tuesday 13 February 2024

Two days in one! Our tale this week is The Princess and the Pea

Yesterday I was out of the classroom. Ms. Rummenie started the week off with The Penguin and the Pea.

Today we read Rachel Isadora's telling of the tale.

The Princess has so much trouble sleeping! What do you do if you have trouble sleeping?

"I think happy thoughts."
"I check my bed for lumps."

For Tuneful Tuesday we kept working on songs we know. For our song "I like to play the sticks", we are starting to use specific rhythms when we play our sticks.

We are learning to read music too!

Ask your child to read these rhythms.

(Hint - ta - ta - ti-ti - ta and ti-ti - ta - ti-ti - ta)

In Math we are learning about estimation. Estimation is a very valuable skill to have.

Today we tried estimating how many blocks were in this bag.

We didn't get to look at the bag for very long and then we made our estimations - or guesses.

First we decided on a number that was too small.
Then one that was two big.

Once we had our brackets, so to speak, we made our estimates.

I was very impressed with our estimates! 

Then we counted to check our estimates.

You can practice estimating at home.

About how many shoes are at the door?

How many socks do you think are in your drawer?

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