Monday 1 May 2023

 May 1 - 7th is children's Mental Health Week and it is kicking off a whole month of focus on mental health here at Aurora Heights Public School. To start off, we set our intentions for the week in our community circle. Here are some examples;

"I will help the JKs"

"I will share."

I will listen to others."

"I will say 'You can play with me!'"

In our ongoing bird inquiry, we are learning and wondering about robins this week.

We learned today that a robin's song sounds like "cheerio! cheerio!" So our sound of the week is the "ch" sound. What words can you think of that start with "ch"? Can you think of words that end with "ch"?

We read the story Nesting and learning about the whole life cycle of a robin.

This week we are taking turns looking at a real robin's nest. 
And a real robin's egg!

Then we make observations and ask questions.

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