Wednesday 31 May 2023

 A hot and sunny day for outdoor learning!

We went for a walk and collected interesting natural materials.

Then we built a staircase number line.

Then we used our staircase number line to practice counting forwards and backwards.

Can you practice counting up to ten and then also back down from ten at home?

Monday 29 May 2023

 Happy Monday!

Today we read Grumpy Bird.

How did the other animals change Grumpy Bird's mood?

Our sound of the week is "th"

What words do you know that have the "th' sound?

Friday 26 May 2023

 Hot Off The Presses! 

An early end of year gift! In backpacks you should find our class cookbook! Please enjoy! I'm looking forward to trying all of your wonderful recipes.

We also finished transplanting our tomato plants. They have also come home today. I wish you green thumb luck and hope you harvest many tomatoes at the end of the summer!

We did our giant cereal box domino run today. So fun!

Thank you to all who contributed.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

 Continuing with our bird learning- we are learning about cardinals this week.

We read the story Take a Breath

Bob learns that in order to clear his mind to learn how to fly, he just has to take a breath.

When does taking a breathe help you?

"When I'm sad."

Our sound of the week is "ing"

Friday 19 May 2023

 All week we have been exploring construction with "makedo"tools.
We are sawing...

...and more sawing
... and twisting with a screwdriver.

We worked together in our table groups to create birdhouses.

Here are some of our creations:

We also worked together to make a list of "sh" words. Can you make a list of things at home that have the "sh" sound?

Fun Friday Read: There is a Bird on Your Head!
How do Gerald and Piggie solve Gerald's bird problem?

We said farewell to our friend Milena. What a beautiful gift for us to remember you by - thank you!
This is our new class motto!

Thursday 18 May 2023

 We received a pen pal letter in the mail today!

So of course we wrote back right away!

We read A Funny Little Bird.

The bird discovers it has a special gift. If you could have a special gift or super power what would it be?

Wednesday 17 May 2023

 Today we read Bird Builds a Nest.

Then we took a look at a nest that was built by a similar small bird. 

Just like in the book, we noticed that this nest had small twigs and then feathers in the last layer.

Why did the birds put a layer of feathers and grass?

"Because they are making a nice soft spot for the babies."

Tuesday 16 May 2023

 Today we read Oddbird.

I asked the class: What did Oddbird teach the other birds?

The answer is the quote of the year:

"Oddbird taught them that even if someone is different you still have to respect them." ❣️❣️❣️

I had to wipe a few tears from my eyes after that one... amazing.

Then we got creative with all of the things Oddbird could be doing;

Playing with dolls
Flying a helicopter
Saving people

Monday 15 May 2023

 Our learning about birds continues this week with a look at blue jays.

You can hear blue jays in the neighbourhood. Here is what a blue jay sounds like:

We read the story Two Blue Jays

Our sound of the week is "sh"

Friday 12 May 2023

 Fun Friday!

We had to make a list of 10 "ee" words before we could go out to the playground.

Excellent team work!

Can you write more "ee" words at home?

We read Waiting is Not Easy.

Gerald had a really hard time waiting for Piggie's surprise...

...was it worth the wait?

Thursday 11 May 2023

 Thankful Thursday!

Today we talked about how we are grateful for such a nice field trip yesterday. 

"I am thankful for the bus ride."

"I am thankful for the slackline."

"I am thankful for the marble run."

"I am thankful for Larry the bus driver."

(Can you see the drawing of Mrs. Nye closing the gate behind the bus? ðŸ˜Š)

Wednesday 10 May 2023

What a WONDERFUL day! The weather was absolutely perfect. Many many thanks to Mr. T at Scanlon Creek for such a wonderful time in the Discovery Play Garden.

The very popular Slackline!

The marble run!

The music garden!

Building with loose parts!

The HUGE balance scale!

The sand pit!

The amazing mud kitchen!

Mud pies, cupcakes and  pancakes...

Mud soups, stews and pasta!