Monday 17 April 2023

To wrap up our inquiry on food, we are focusing on where our food comes from and what happens to what we don't eat.

We read "Anywhere Farm"

You can make a farm anywhere! You only need four things. Can you remember what they are?

We are making a special Anywhere Farm in our classroom - using space tomatoes!!!

Through the organization "Tomatosphere" we have received two packets of tomato seeds. One is a regular pack of seeds and one is a pack of seeds that were in space! That's right  - space seeds! We are all planting seeds this week and we will make observations as they grow. Will seeds that were in space grow the same as regular seeds?

Here are our seeds packets.
We are preparing our peat pellets.

Look how small the seeds are!

Hiding the seed in the peat pellet.

I will show you our class farm when it is done and I will keep you up to date as our seeds sprout.

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