Friday 28 April 2023

 Happy Friday!

Our space tomatoes are starting to come along now!

We had two guest teachers leading us in the flower game today. Maybe you could teach your family at home how to play the flower game?

I received a lovely thank you note and these pictures from the folks at the Food Pantry.

They absolutely LOVED including our messages of kindness in with the food given to families.

Thursday 27 April 2023

 Today we read Hoot Owl!

We found "oo" words in the book;
  • Hoot
  • Swoop
  • Food

We talked about how "oo" can make two different sounds!

This week (and for the next few weeks) we are working on some "off-line" coding.

Can you help Owl get to the nest? Show her how.

Are there other ways she can get to the nest?

What if there are trees in the way? Now can you help her get back to the nest?

How many ways?

Wednesday 26 April 2023

 For outdoor learning we were using our eyes and ears to find birds. 

Can we find more birds with our eyes or our ears? 

We set out to find the answer to this question by counting how many birds we heard in 2 minutes and then counting how many birds we saw in 2 minutes.

We did a tally chart to track. 

We compared.

"We heard many more birds than we saw."

We made some hypotheses as to why we heard more than we saw.

Tuesday 25 April 2023

 So much Owl excitement!

We are watching a few Owl Cams and we have so many questions!

Barn Owls

"Why is the Mommy standing up like that?
"Why don't the babies look like owls?"
Little Owls

"Why does the Mom have to bring them food?"
"Why are they looking at the wall?"
Great Horned Owls

"Why don't the babies have horns?"

"When will they fly?"

Today we read "Night Owl"

It had so many "oo" words!

hoot, moon, too, toot, boom

Gia and Berra made owls for our classroom "window"

Can you see them in the tree?

Monday 24 April 2023

Happy Monday! Please check backpacks for forms that have come home. Year 2 (SK) children should have a vision screening form. Vision screening will take place on May 8th. Year 1 and 2 (JK and SK) should find the Every Student Counts Survey form. This gives you your own unique code to complete the survey online.

We had another guest reader!

Thank you Allegra for reading "The Thank You Book."

Great work!

Welcome to OWL week!

In honour of Owl week, we are learning about "oo" words. 


We read the story "Tanna's Owl"

Tanna cares for an Owl for a short time. If you could care for any animal - what would you care for?

We are building nests for owls.

Friday 21 April 2023

 Fun Friday!

Thanks to Ms. Mcnellis for leading our learning while I was in and out of meetings.

Guest reader!

Gia read an entire book to the class! 

Great work!

Our project Eat it Twice lettuce has grown some green leaves - just as we predicted!

Activism through kindness!

I am so proud to bring our care package to the food pantry this weekend. Many thanks for your kindness. We are helping because "everyone needs help sometimes."

Before we packed up the care packages, we made some patterns with the food.

What patterns do you see?

I came in to read "I am Going!"

Piggy had to go - Gerald said  Why? Why? WHY????

Can you remember why she had to go?

Wednesday 19 April 2023

 Patterns Patterns Patterns!

We worked on patterns inside. Can you find an AB pattern? How about an AAB pattern? What other types do you see?

We worked on patterns outside. What pattern do you see here?

Tuesday 18 April 2023

 Project Eat it Twice!

We are trying a little Project Eat it twice in our classroom. 

We took a close look at this lettuce core.

"The leaves are about as big as a finger."

"The colour is yellowish/whitish"

"Smells like onion."

Can we re-grow this lettuce?

"Its gonna grow really big because of the water."

"I think roots will come out the bottom and the rest of the vegetable will come out on top."

"I think the top will grow green."

We continue to imagine where we can plant Anywhere Farms.

Monday 17 April 2023

To wrap up our inquiry on food, we are focusing on where our food comes from and what happens to what we don't eat.

We read "Anywhere Farm"

You can make a farm anywhere! You only need four things. Can you remember what they are?

We are making a special Anywhere Farm in our classroom - using space tomatoes!!!

Through the organization "Tomatosphere" we have received two packets of tomato seeds. One is a regular pack of seeds and one is a pack of seeds that were in space! That's right  - space seeds! We are all planting seeds this week and we will make observations as they grow. Will seeds that were in space grow the same as regular seeds?

Here are our seeds packets.
We are preparing our peat pellets.

Look how small the seeds are!

Hiding the seed in the peat pellet.

I will show you our class farm when it is done and I will keep you up to date as our seeds sprout.

Thursday 13 April 2023

 Today we read Maddi's Fridge.

Sophia notices that the fridge at her friend's Maddi's house doesn't have very much food. Sophia and Maddi help each other - because, as we learned in Saturday at the Food Bank,  "everyone needs help sometimes."

Activism through kindness!

Our food pantry care package is starting to come together!

If you can add to our care package - please send by the end of next week (April 21st).

Our food and kindness cards are filling the box!

(See below for examples of our kindness cards.)

Wednesday 12 April 2023

We welcomed the warm weather with outdoor learning. We were looking for signs of spring from both nature and people.

Jolene noticed that bikes are a sign of spring for people.

Gia noticed that buds on the trees are a sign of spring in nature.

Oliver noticed that green grass is a sign of spring in nature.

Abbie noticed evidence of the return of birds. This is a sign of spring in nature.

We saw and heard many birds!

Allegra noticed that kids wearing t-shirts is a sign of spring from people.