Wednesday 30 November 2022

 The beautiful spider plants in our classroom have had babies!

Can you see the babies growing from the parent plant? They get all they need from the parent plant while they are babies - but now it is time for them to grow up and to be on their own!

We took turns gently cutting each baby off of the parent plant.

We put all of the babies in water to get the roots to grow. This is our spider plant nursery.

Once the roots start to grow - we will plant them in pots.

As scientists, we are making observations and we will continue to track and observe the changes in the plants.

Tuesday 29 November 2022

 For "et" week and Take-a-Trip Tuesday we visited a Vet.

After our field trip, we filled out our passports:

We read the story Ravi's Roar

Ravi gets soooooo angry! He is definitely in the red zone.

We made a chart to help us remember the different zones.

Monday 28 November 2022

We getting so good at spotting sight words in our morning message!
The letter of the week is Vv.

We read the book "The Boy with Big Big Feelings."

Now that we know all of the zones, we are starting to sort our feelings into the different zones.

Friday 25 November 2022

To help us remember our zones of regulation - we played emotions bingo.


Wrapping up Zz week we made some creative Z's

We counted to add stripes to zebras.

Thursday 24 November 2022

 The last of the Zones of Regulation is the Yellow Zone

It is tough to learn when we are in the yellow zone.

We read the book This Makes Me Silly.

We learned about good times to be silly -and there are lots! - and times when we need to settle ourselves down from being silly.

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Continuing with Zones Week, we learned about the red zone.

 How can you help yourself if you are feeling red?

"Take a rainbow breath." (or any breath)

"Walk away - get a drink of water."

"Count to ten." (forwards or backwards)

"I am feeling angry/mad/scared when I am in the red zone."

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Many thanks to Mia and her family! In honour of her birthday they donated these beautiful books to our classroom library. They are perfect for our zones week.

We read Ruby Finds a Worry and we found that in order to make our worries smaller - we just need to talk about it!

We are writing about our worries.

"Sometimes I worry about losing things."

Continuing with our Zones Week we learned about the blue zone.

"I am feeling sick when I am in the blue zone."
"I am feeling sad when I am in the blue zone."

"I am feeling lonely when I am in the blue zone."

Monday 21 November 2022

 Book Fair!

The book fair is back at Aurora Heights! Our class will be visiting the book fair on Friday this week. I have put a flyer into backpacks today and you can also look online:

If you wish to send money with your child to make a purchase, please place the money in a sealed envelope or ziplock bag clearly marked with your child's name and what they will purchase.

Welcome to our Zones of Regulation Week! (aka "zones week")

Each day we will be talking about the different zones and how we can help ourselves if we are in a zone that is not conducive to learning. This will help the children build a toolbox for self-regulation. We are hoping that you will also use the zones at home so the children see consistency and that they can use these tools all the time and not just at school.

Today we looked at the green zone. 

This is the ideal zone for learning.

In honour of Zones week the letter of the week is "Zz"

Wednesday 16 November 2022

 We got a letter from our pen pals in Mrs. Applebaum's class!

They asked us about our favourite animal.
We took a tally - as they suggested.

"Butterflies have the most - 7"

"Blue Jays have zero."

"Sunfish and turtles have the same. (What is the math word for the same?) Hmmm... equal."

We wrote a letter back right away!

Tuesday 15 November 2022

 Food Drive and Holiday Heroes!

Each year Aurora Heights shows its kindness through running a Food Drive and Holiday Heroes campaign. If you are able, you can send non-perishable food items, new toys or new clothes to school to help members of our community. 

We have a new sight word - it!

Can you find the word "it" while you are reading at home?

Our letter of the week is Ww.

What can you find around the house that starts with the letter Ww?

We made whales. Can you see the W as the water spout?

Continuing our learning about promises we read the book "A Promise is a Promise."

If promises are broken - we can find ourselves with lots of problems!

Monday 14 November 2022

 To start our Mindful Monday we did a check-in to see how we are all feeling.

We put the first letter of our name by the face we were feeling closest to.

We are learning about promises this week. We started by reading the book "I Promise."

We also read the story "Alex Shares his Wampum Belt." A wampum belt is a promise.

All week, we will be working on writing out a promise we can keep.

"I promise to keep people safe."

Our letter of the week is Ww. Can you see all of the Ww words in this literacy piece?

Happy Birthday Diana!
In honour of her birthday her family has donated this beautiful book to our library. Thank you so much!

Friday 11 November 2022

Ms. Stevens last day. ðŸ˜¢

We are happy for her, but sad because we will miss her!!! Congratulations Ms. Stevens! You are an amazing teacher and we wish you all the best in your teaching career! 

We found many sight words in our morning message.

Can you find these words as your read at home?

on, is, we, and, the, said

Our list continues to grow!

We had a special Kindergarten Remembrance Day Assembly.

Ms. Stevens read this awesome book - What's My Superpower?

Look at all our superpowers!