Thursday 28 March 2024

 I was away for a couple of days doing some training. Thank you to Mrs. Cooper for filling in.

All week we have continued our learning from the author LeUyen Pham.

Monday 25 March 2024

 Music Monday!

Today we learned about and tried two new instruments.

A frog guiro

It actually sounds like a frog!

A drum.

Our author spotlight this week is LeUyen Pham.

We started by reading A Piece of Cake.

This book surprised us at every turn!

What would you trade for a piece of cake?

A smoothie

A fishing rod

Friday 22 March 2024

 We brought a new pineapple into the class today. Now we have three!

We each got a chance to hold the new pineapple top to get a good look at it and make some observations.

"The bottom is so soft!"

"Why are they all sharp and pokey?"

"I know the pokey things protect them."

We planted the pineapple that has roots in soil.

Our potted pineapple.

Today we also talked about what our baby spider plants need to stay healthy.

We each watered our own plants today. We will care for them here for the next while and then the plants will come home.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

 What a busy day!

We started with a mystery in our morning message.

Can we grow a pineapple?

I showed the kiddos my pineapple that is growing at home.

We will try to do the same here.

We have two pineapple tops that we will try to grow.

One is brand new - with no roots.

One has roots already!

We asked so many great questions!

"How does a pineapple grow?"

"How do the roots drink the water?"

"I wonder if we could plant a kiwi seed and a watermelon seed to make a kiwi and watermelon?"

Great questions - we will continue to investigate...

For creative writing, we were challenged to write sentences with these three words.

"It is the spring."

"Is the spring here?" (Good question!)

"Is spring warm?" (Another good question!)

Our bell hooks book today was Happy to be Nappy

"All heads of joy!"

We also chose a name for us to call the Barred Owl.
We voted and White-Striper won!

Ask your child what a Barred Owl call sounds like.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

 Continuing our learning from bell hooks, we read Grump Groan Growl

Sometimes we are all grumpy - that is natural. 

bell hooks tells us "Just let the feelings be. Just let them pass. Just go inside. Let it slide."

Each afternoon after lunch recess we check in on three live bird cameras. We are observing the birds as they sit on their eggs and soon we will get to see the baby birds as they hatch and grow!

We are watching:

Athena - the Great Horned Owl

She is sitting on two eggs.

The Barred Owl (she doesn't have a name officially)

She is sitting on three eggs.

Big Red and Arthur - the Red-Tailed Hawks

They have one egg so far.

If you want to watch from home too, just go to:

Monday 18 March 2024

 Welcome back! I hope the March Break was wonderful!

Each week for the next few weeks we will be spotlighting different children's book authors.

This week we are learning from bell hooks.

Today we read Skin Again.

"If you want to know who I am, you have got to come inside and open your heart way wide."

"Inside, I am kind."

"Inside, I am loving."

"Inside I am strong and helpful."


Friday 8 March 2024

 Today was our lucky day! ☘️

Mrs. Anderson had all kinds of wonderful ways to make this day lucky!

After reading our morning message and finding out it is our lucky day ☘️, we got to choose our centers for the morning!

We chose;




☘️I wish everyone an wonderful and safe March Break!☘️

Thursday 7 March 2024


Today we read Little Red Reading Hood and the Misread Wolf.

The wolf didn't want to eat anyone or anything - what did he want?

We continue our weekly gratitude practice. According to the Mayo Clinic "Expressing gratitude is associated with a host of mental and physical benefits." Perhaps you can talk at home about the things you are thankful for.

"I am thankful for turtles."

"I am thankful for learning."

(Look at this amazing artist's rendition of me doing the morning message 😍)

Wednesday 6 March 2024

 Today we read Little Red's Riding 'Hood.

How was this story different? How was it the same?

In Math we have been talking about probability. What are the chances of things happening? We played a little game. I put sets of pom poms in a bag. After looking at what went in the bag, we guessed what colour would probably be pulled out.

"I think a blue will be pulled out."


"Because there are so many blues and only one orange."

"I think a green will get pulled out. There are more greens than purples."

"I think orange will be pulled out."


"I'm not sure."

"I think black."


"I don't know"

Further discussion around 'equally likely'...

Tuesday 5 March 2024


Today we read Little Red Riding Hood and the Dragon.

Red and Grandma get swallowed by a dragon! Ask your child how they get out.

This term we will be going to the gym each day 4.

Today we had great fun practicing our throwing and catching skills.

Monday 4 March 2024

Happy Monday! One week to go before we all get a nice break.

We are getting better and better at reading our morning message. We are building our repertoire of sight words. You can look for sight words when reading at home too!

Our sound of the week is "ing"

We haven't done Aiken Drum for a while, so we did an "ing" Aiken Drum.

His hair was made of string, his eyes are made of bee stings, his nose is made of a ring and his mouth was made of trimmings!

Our final tale of our Fairy Tales learning is Little Red Riding hood.

"Oh grandma! What big teeth you have!"

We will hear different versions of this story throughout the week.