Wednesday 31 January 2024

 Cinderella Week Continues...

Yesterday we read Bigfoot Cinderrrrrella.

Today we read Cinderelliot.

Ask your child what is the same in all of the Cinderella stories?

What is different?

My heart was filled with such joy today as Oliver noted about the stories:

"None of them is the wrong one (story). They are all the right one!"

In Math we are learning about the concept of symmetry.

I started an new weekly routine today Creative Writing Wednesday.

I put some words on the board and using those words we do some creative writing. 





Here is what some came up with":

"It is snowing"

"Is the snow water?"

(some science mixed in here too!)

"The snow is cold."

Some of us shared our creative writing with the class.

Monday 29 January 2024

 Our sound of the week is "sh"

Our next Fairy Tale is Cinderella

If you had a Fairy Godmother - what would you wish for?

"A rainbow"
"To be Tinkerbell."
"To be the black ninja."

Friday 26 January 2024


We read Crescent Moons and Pointed Minarets and found so many shapes in each of the beautiful pictures.

Can you find shapes around your home?

We are coming up with different ways we can make shapes with our bodies.

Thursday 25 January 2024

 What a perfect week (/th/ week) to have the return of Thankful Thursday.

"I am thankful for teeth."

Me too! Because I love eating food!

Our next version of the week's fairy tale was Kate and the Beanstalk.

What a brave girl!

Ask your child what was the same about this version and what was different.

If you were stuck in the giant's castle, where would you hide?

"In the giant's pocket."

Brilliant! He will never think to look there!

"On the roof."

Another great idea!

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Today we read Trust Me, Jack's Beanstalk Stinks!
 We hear the story from the giant's perspective.

We had great discussion comparing the stories so far.

All versions have common threads; a giant, Jack, a beanstalk that grows from magic beans etc...

But other details differ. For example, in today's story, the giant is the 'good guy' and Jack the 'bad guy'. This is the opposite from the other versions of the story.

We had great application discussion around how something like this might happen in school or out in the schoolyard. Depending on who's perspective you see the story from, the person who is wronged and the person who is the 'wrongdoer'  might change. Hope that makes sense so you can extend this conversation at home.

Tuesday 23 January 2024


Today we read Jack and the Beanstalk and the French Fries.

Ask your child what is the same in this story as yesterday's.

What is different?

We are still working on the idea that stories can sound different depending on your point of view. Some things are the same - but some things might look different.

We are making Jack's Beanstalk with paper and cotton balls.

Can you see the castle above the clouds?

Can you see Jack climbing the beanstalk?

Is this a breakfast buffet with eggs and fruit?

Nope! These are the new instruments we learned to play this week.

Our new song: "Shake, Shake, The Apple Tree."

Monday 22 January 2024


Our sound of the week is "th".

Now we are learning about sounds that are made with a combination of more than one letter. These are called digraphs.

We practiced making sure our tongue pokes out between our teeth to pronounce the 'th' sound. Please practice this at home.

Our tale of the week is Jack and the Beanstalk.

We are using loose parts to make Jack's beanstalk.

In our Math talk today, we tried to see how big a triangle we could make.
We started with this one.
Each time we made it grow...
...we made sure it still had three sides and three corners.
Whoa! Its so big - but still a triangle!

Thursday 18 January 2024

 Our final Rapunzel book for the week was "Falling for Rapunzel"

This was a silly version of this story!

The prince called out "Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair!"

But in this story, she misheard him and threw something else out the window? Ask your child what it was.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Our classroom plants have been growing offshoots! It is time to start our baby plants again!

Here is just one of our 9 plants.

Can you see all of the babies?

First we guessed how many baby plants there are.

Then we drew our observations.

Then we each took turns cutting the babies off.

Now we have a nursery of baby plants sitting in water as we wait for their roots to grow.

Once their roots grow, we will plant them in soil and each have our own plant to take care of.

We read yet another version of Rapunzel. We are starting to get that people can tell stories in different ways. It is good to hear multiple perspectives on a story before we decide what we think.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Tuneful Tuesday!
No guitar today - we all had a chance to play instruments!

Ask your child to sing our new song. It is called "I like to play the sticks."

We tried something new to solve our 'corner' issue with making shapes with string.

We tried working together with multiple strings.

Not only are we learning about shapes, but we are also learning about teamwork! and co-operative learning!

We will keep working on how we can work with others to accomplish a job together.

We read another version of Rapunzel today.
We talked about how some things are the same as yesterday's story and some things are different.

We are starting to understand that people can have different versions of the same story. This can apply to real life too. You can have different perspectives on the same story.

We are taking turns building Rapunzel's tower.

Monday 15 January 2024

Happy Monday! Our fairy tale for this week is Rapunzel.

Ask your child what they remember about the story.

Hint: "Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair."

Our sound of the week is /h/

In honour of /h/ week we learned hw to do a Butterfly Hug for Mindful Monday

This calming exercise uses the technique of cross-body tapping or bilateral stimulation which can help to restore calm. Perhaps try this at home too. It is always best to practice calming techniques when we are NOT escalated and that way we are well practiced and able to employ the techniques if we do become escalated.

Our math focus is 2-dimentional shapes.

We explored making shapes with string.

Shapes like triangles and rectangles have corners. We noticed that it was difficult to make corners with one piece of string. We will try to solve this problem tomorrow.

Friday 12 January 2024

This morning I was over the moon! Usually I read the morning message first and then we take a closer look at the letters and words together. After that we all read it together.

This morning the kiddos were able to work together to decode the whole morning message right from the start! Amazing!

The we did some acting. We picked a character from the Three Little Pigs and pretended we were that character. Our classmates guessed who we were.