Friday 28 June 2024


To end our year, I read my advice to your beautiful children from this book.

There's only one you in this great big world...

I adore your children. I will miss them.

Please keep in touch - truly - I would love to hear from all of you.

Friday 21 June 2024

 The weather cooperated for our last Fun Friday in the park. Not too hot and no rain. Perfect.

Our baby plants are ready to go home! 

Your child's baby plant will come home today. They are getting really big! If you have a bigger pot at home your plant will appreciate the space. You can help your child to transplant it- make sure you take a good look at  the roots with your child. 

We water them every Friday. Caring for another living thing teaches responsibility and empathy.


Today is National Indigenous People's Day

We learned about a Traditional Pow Wow

Thursday 20 June 2024

 Our last Thankful Thursday! You will find the gratitude journals in backpacks today. I hope you take a good look and see the progress that was made throughout the year!

"I am thankful for smelling flowers."

I am thankful for the Olympics

In our learning about the Paralympics today we learned about Soccer, Badminton and Table Tennis.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Today we learned about the torch relay and the lighting of the cauldron that officially starts the Olympics and Paralympics.

We are also switching our focus from the Olympics to the Paralympics. I just love this video - it speaks to the spirit to the Paralympics. We watched it today  - but it would be great if you watched it with your children again and talked about it as a family.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

 Our last Tuneful Tuesday! We sang all of our favourites from our Kindness Song to Baby Beluga and everything in between!

A few kiddos wanted to try holding and playing my guitar.

For the Olympics, we learned about, beach and court volleyball, fencing and basketball.

We are designing our own Olympic medals!

Monday 17 June 2024

 Today we read How Do You Know It's Summer?

We talked about the signs of summer and what we do when it is summer.

"This summer I will practice soccer."

I love how they are saying 'yea' because they just scored a goal!

"This summer I will go to the pool."

Sounds like a great idea!

For the Olympics, we learned about the swimming races, synchronized swimming, and cycling.

Friday 14 June 2024

 Our 5th edition of Fun Friday had absolutely beautiful weather!

I was given a lovely collection of flowers to adorn my hat.

We found a tree with leaves as big as my hand!

and I got a manicure. Love those natural emery boards!

For the Olympics, we learned about skateboarding and the athletic throwing events.

One of our Paris Olympic challenges this week was to build the Eiffel tower out of Lego.

Nice work!

Thursday 13 June 2024

 Today we learned about:


Pole vault

High Jump

We learned about each of the events in women's artistic gymnastics.

and the 6 events in men's artistic gymnastics.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

 We continue to learn about the Olympics! 

Today I taught about the medals and the podium ceremony.

Remember! I'm a MUSIC teacher by trade, not an artist. I know the necks are unnaturally long - but I had to fit the medals on without them getting lost on the shirt. 


Ask you child what medal you get if you come in first? second? and third? 

Today we learned about diving and archery.

Monday 10 June 2024

 For the next two weeks we will be learning about the Olympics. With the Olympics coming up this summer in Paris, we are learning about what sports will be played.

We are imagining that we are in the Olympics...

Today was our last book exchange at the library. Ms. Bossin, our librarian, has asked that all books be returned by this Friday - June 14th.

Thursday 6 June 2024

 Such fun at Jump Rope for Heart!

Good old fashioned skipping!

Remember this game? We called it Helicopter.

Chalk creations!

Remember this game? We called it 'Snakey Snakey"

Musical Chairs!


Another educator at our school, Ms. Trenton, brought me a beautiful gift.

We had a good look at this beautiful butterfly. We talked about what a pinned insect is and how we can learn from them.

We read "I Wish I Were a Butterfly"
If you don't know this story, its worth finding it. It is one of my all time favourite picture books. It is about loving yourself for the gifts that you have and, just as importantly, appreciating the gifts that others have as well.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

We went on a "field trip" to the library. Ms. Bossin had a surprise for us! She has been raising Painted Lady butterflies and they came out of their chrysalides! We got a chance to visit them. 

Up close observations

Here you can see the beautiful colours of the wings!
Here you can see the beautiful brown pattern of the underwing

Tomorrow is Jump Rope for Heart!

Please wear red and if you are able, you can bring in a donation and your name will be entered into a draw.