Tuesday 31 October 2023

A post for two days in one!

Our sound of the week this week is/g/.

Yesterday we read Goodnight Goon

It is a great parody on the classic "Goodnight Moon"

What would you say goodnight to?

"Goodnight tiger."

Today we read "Little Goblins Ten"

It is another fun parody on the song "Over in the Meadow"

So many fun /g/ activities!

Feed the Ghost - fine motor work

Ghostly Graphing

Create your own Ghoul!

Step 1 - Draw the eyes

Step 2 - Draw the mouth

Step 3 - Add arms and legs

Step 4 - Paint!

Friday 27 October 2023

 Fun Friday!

Co-operative puzzling!
Stacking cups!

Of course - Elephant and Piggy.

Thursday 26 October 2023

 Thankful Thursday!

"I am thankful for thunderstorms."
"I am thankful for Art"
"I am thankful for the rain."

Wednesday 25 October 2023

 Unfortunately, we did not get to the library today as it was closed. The school needed the space for other purposes. I will hold the books here and have them ready for next week.

As we are getting closer to winter weather (although it doesn't feel like it today!) I am asking families to start to work on winter dressing independence. Just imagine for one second trying to get 29 beautiful children ready for winter recess... We could really use your help!

Could you start practicing getting ready at home? This graphic is the sequence we will be teaching.

I totally understand that zippers are tough - but if you could practice the other parts of the dressing process at home we would really appreciate it!

More learning about /k/

Tuesday 24 October 2023

 Continuing with our learning about what "home" means, we read Welcome Home Bear.

Bear looks in many places for a new home but there is always something not quite right. 

 Look at this beautiful drawing of a nice cozy home for a worm.

Continuing our /k/ learning

K is for kite

Our math focus for the next little while is data management. Here we are sorting and graphing buttons.

Monday 23 October 2023

 Happy Monday!

A few parents have asked about our library day. We go to the library on day four. At school we have a five day cycle system. This system does not match up with the Monday to Friday week (well only on occasion). Last week day four was on Tuesday, but because of the PA day - the cycle has shifted, so day four is on Wednesday this week and will be until there is another PA day or holiday. I hope this makes sense - if not please feel free to reach out and ask.

Please remember - tomorrow is picture day!

Our sound of the week this week is /k/

We read the story "Home"

Animals have many different types of homes- depending on what they need.

Thursday 19 October 2023

 In our morning message shared reading, we are not only looking for our sound of the week but we are also starting to introduce sight words. Sight words are words very commonly used in writing that we can recognize instantly without decoding or sounding out.

We are starting with;

When you read together at home - can you look for these words?

Lots of fun painting this week!

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Wonder Wednesday!

"The trees made a rainbow!"

We followed the seagulls around the yard. They didn't hang around? Not sure why...

Helicopters! Maple Keys
A beautiful gift for me.

My favourite colour!

Tuesday 17 October 2023

 Our sound of the week this week is /d/. With this in mind we are reading David stories.

David tends to make poor choices and gets himself in trouble.

We are imagining ways that David might get himself in trouble.

"David is wearing mommy's lipstick. Mommy is mad."

Friday 13 October 2023

 Fun Friday!

To wrap up /t/ week we played  a turkey tail game. 

As /t/ words are called out, we cover them if they are on our card.

Once we have covered them all we get to call out

"turkey tail!"

(We are leading into 'bingo' style games)

Fun Friday means Elephant and Piggy!

A big guy took Piggy's ball! What does Gerald do to help?

Thursday 12 October 2023

 Thankful Thursday

"I am thankful for the trees."

"I am thankful for the air we breathe."

Wednesday 11 October 2023

 Wonder Wednesday - outdoor learning! We are still working on getting used to our norms and routines for learning outside. We went for a nice walk in the sunshine.

We collected different colours of leaves.

We sorted the leaves by colour and then guessed which one we had more of and which we had less of. 

The wind made it too hard to check our guess - we did that inside.

We found out we had more red leaves than any other colour.

We had less green leaves than any other colour.

Tricky moment! It looks like we have less yellow leaves than purple - but when we counted we discovered they are actually the same number. We learned the word equal.

After some discussion we realized that the yellow leaves are smaller and that is why it looks like less.

I forgot! Yesterday we read "Home is Where the Birds Sing."

We talked about how home is beautiful and different for everyone.

Home is where I love.
Home is where I take a bath.
Home is where I have mommy.

Tuesday 10 October 2023

I hope everyone had a beautiful long weekend!

 Our sound of the week this week is /t/

We will do all sorts of activities around the sound /t/

Toothpick creations!

Can you build a Tent for Teddy?

Thursday 5 October 2023

 Thankful Thursday!

Today we started our Gratitude Journals. This will be a weekly gratitude practice for our class through out the year. Many parents love to see the progression over the year come June.

First we brainstormed some ideas.

Then we got to work in our journals.

"I am thankful for my friends"
"I am thankful for the beautiful sunrise."

"I am thankful for my family."

We also read "Piggies in the Pumpkin Patch"

So many /p/ words!