Tuesday 27 June 2023

Our spider plants went home today. We have taken such good care of them - now they can thrive in your home. Remember - we water each Friday. What else does it need to be healthy?

What will my teacher do this summer?

"Mrs. Nye is going to Wonderland."

(I'm afraid of roller coasters! But I love the Merry-Go-Round which is drawn here.)
"Ms. Stonehouse is going to the water park."

(Yes! she will!)
"Dance Party!"

(Our favourite!)

Thursday 22 June 2023

In backpacks today you will find our passports from our Take-a-trip Tuesday and our Gratitude Journals from our Thankful Thursdays. Please enjoy looking at the progress made throughout the year!

In honour of our our last Thankful Thursday this year we read Giving Thanks

Excitement today!

The baby red-tailed hawks we have been watching are ready to fly! We watched them practice quite a bit today. You can check in at home too;


Here is a clip of the first baby fledging!

Wednesday 21 June 2023

 This week we have been painting with pine needle paint brushes.

We read The Water Walker

We learned about how the Water Walkers are working hard to protect the water. The book leaves us with a challenge:
"What are you going to do about it?"

Tuesday 20 June 2023

 For Take-a-Trip Tuesday we visited a Pow Wow!

The Jingle Dresses were particularly popular for drawing in our passports.

We read We All Play.

Animals play - so do we! What animal do you play like?

"I like to hop like a bunny!"

"I like to roar like a lion!"

"I like to swing like a monkey!"

Monday 19 June 2023

 In honour of National Indigenous History Month and National Indigenous People's Day this week, we are reading books by Indigenous Authors.

We read This Is How I Know and we talked about signs of summer.

Summer officially starts this week - how do you know its summer?

We also read My Heart Fills With Happiness.

What fills your heart with happiness?

"When my sister is holding my hand."

Friday 16 June 2023

We had a fun surprise today! 

We met our pen pals - Mrs. Applebaum's and Ms. Ravas' class!

We met on Google Meet and we each introduced ourselves and we met each of our pen pal friends.

Can you see our class in the bottom right corner?

So Fun!

Beautiful weather for planting!

Dirt Dirt Wonderful Dirt!
Some more baby spider plants have beautiful roots and are ready for a new home.

Upcycled juice bottles are the perfect planters!

Thursday 15 June 2023

 Taking advantage of the wonderful weather, Ms. Hart setup some fun learning centers outside.

We read about another beautiful family in Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

A reminder from our library.

All library books are now due at the library. Please check around the house to make sure you have returned all books that were borrowed.
For outdoor learning, I challenged the class to decorate our fence with some fence weaving.

First we decided together what type of pattern we were going to make.
Then we each tied a string in the ABC pattern.

White - Yellow - Pink -White - Yellow - Pink
Then we worked on weaving patterns.

In - Out - In - Out
How many twirls for each fence space?
Doesn't our fence look lovely?

Continuing with our focus on families for Pride week, We read Daddy and Dada.

All families are unique and beautiful!

We are making portraits of our own families.

Monday 12 June 2023

 This week we are talking all about families. Each family is different and unique and beautiful.

We read Families Can.

We talked about what we love about our family and what makes our family unique.

"My family is taking me for a walk."

My family is making soup."

We are learning about "at" words this week.

Friday 9 June 2023

To wrap up our inquiry on birds we made a book together!

I can't include all of the pages in this post - but everyone added their own page.

So amazing!

Wednesday 7 June 2023

I have been out of the classroom in other roles in the school. Many thanks to Ms. McNellis and Ms. Cooper for covering.

Yesterday Ms. McNellis read Just How Long Can a String Be?

Today I was hoping to get outside for string measuring in our regular Wednesday outdoor learning, but as you all know the air quality was huge barrier. BUT! we still got out string and did some measuring indoors instead.

"My string is as long as the word Wednesday!"
"My string is longer than this stop sign."
"My string is almost as long as my shorts!"

Thursday 1 June 2023

 Another fabulous day at Scanlon Creek!

Sound exploration in the music area
Lots of sand and mud play in the sand pit and mud kitchen
A mini-bird hike

Lots of birds around!

A beautiful lookout to finish the day